On Wednesday, May 6, you have a great chance to hear, see and celebrate what the students at Bigfork School have been doing this year in art and music. The Opening Reception for the Fifth Annual Bigfork Student Art Show is from 5:00 to 7:00 in the Edge Center Gallery. Enjoy refreshments and the artwork at the same time. At 7:00, listen to the Bigfork High School Spring Concert in the Edge Center Theater.
The Student Art Show features work by all of Roberta Steinhart’s high school students in 2-D art, Ceramics, Photo, and Painting classes and students in 6th grade General Art. Students learn basic techniques and skills in each of these areas as well as composition and creativity.
Many of the older students in the show have been taking art classes since 7th grade and are developing their own interests. Char Westerman is inspired by the collaged paintings of Timothy Ray that she saw in the exhibit last fall in the Edge Center Gallery. She, Stacey Harnden and Jared Anselmo explored that method of painting (see their painting above), and Char has continued to develop the technique in a series of abstract paintings. Char says that,” Abstract art is like your own playground.” Stacey Harden enjoys both abstract and realistic art and she likes to “keep it fun and light.”
Many of the student artists have taken art classes because they have been making art since they were little, usually encouraged by parents, siblings, and other relatives. Ann Boessel’s grandfather, father, and uncle carve and draw and in her art classes she likes to try all the media. Annalise Klamm remembers her late sister, Amanda, mixing oil paints in their bedroom. Annalise likes to make art that is “creepy or bright and colorful, depending on my mood”. Robin Prather, whose father and brother have been examples to her, tries to make her art original, preferring abstract clay pieces and realistic drawings. Shawna Carlson creates fantasy figures in drawings and dragons in clay. Shelby Goble’s favorite art medium is photography, influenced by her mother, professional photographer Julie Goble. Shelby prefers outdoor photography, especially trees, perhaps because her future plans involve studying forestry.
Come and see the creative and personal work in the Student Art Show from the opening on May 6 through May 23 at the Edge Center Gallery. The Gallery is open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 1:00 to 4:00.
The Bigfork High School Spring Concert on May 6 will present 7th through 12th graders in the Band and Choir. The students have been working with music teacher Alycia Hoff since December preparing the music for this concert. You will hear "Jupiter" from Gustav Holst's Suite from the Planets that the band played at Section Music Contest at Greenway High School and "Weep, O Mine Eyes" by John Bennet that the choir sang at that contest. For the first time in several years, the Choir continued on to State Music Contest and sang this piece on Thursday, April 23 in Virginia at Mesabi Community College. Marches, contemporary pieces and gospel songs will also be included in the Spring Concert.